Open the desired patient scan in 3DV software.
Click Custom Export to access the Custom Export window

On the Custom Export window, select the Export to DICOM and make these selections:
- Define set. In most cases, third party applications will accept the Entire Study, so leave that selection in place. Some applications may only accept Axial Slices, so select Following Slices, then Axial Slices and leave Pitch and Thickness unchanged. This document will be expanded over time to identify applications/sites that use the Entire Study or Axial slices.
- Destination. The Folder selection identifies the location where the data set (a large collection of .dcm files) will be exported to. You can leave the default C:\Export\ location or Browse to a specific folder you’ve created for this purpose. Some people use the Desktop as an easy location to find.
- Image Options. Leave these selections are Current.
- Export Options
- Select Anonymize if you would like patient information removed.
- Select Make Folder Structure to create a specific, named folder for this data set. It is recommended to do this, especially if the Desktop is your destination. If you’re exporting to a specific folder created for this scan, then this selection could be left blank.
- Open Folder After Export opens the destination folder in Windows Explorer after the export is complete.
- Overwrite Old replaces a similar file(s) that exists in the export location.
- Eliminate Patient Tag, leave this blank as it currently has no functionality.
4. Script/Application. Leave this blank.
After completing those selections, you can either click OK which then saves those selections for future DICOM exports or you can hit RUN which will perform the export immediately.

After setting up these defaults, you can export other data sets simply by double clicking on Export to DICOM from the Custom Export Panel when you have a patient scan open in 3DV

When importing a data set into the third-party software or website, they vary on whether you need to select the whole range of .dcm files or just the first one (ending in …001.dcm). To select the whole range, typically you Shift-click on the first and last file the range you are importing. Some applications give the option of selecting a folder, in this case, select the folder immediately higher than the location of the .dcm files.