1. Open the CD/USB and click “Start”.
2. Once the CBCT loads in the AIS3DApp, click the folder icon under “DICOM Series”. Click “Zip DICOM series”.
3. A pop-up will appear for the save location. Select “Desktop”. Type the patients name into the “File Name”. Click “Save”.
4. In the upper-right-hand corner, you will see a loading box. There will not be an alert when it has finished exporting.
5. To upload the compressed folder, login to Implant Concierge. Click on the patient’s name to open the case. Click on the red “Upload DICOM” button.
6. Drag and drop the folder from the desktop to Implant Concierge. The file will automatically begin uploading.
7. Once the file reaches 100%, click the green “Complete” button.