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Compress DICOM for upload
1. Find the folder on your desktop that you have created for the patient. Double click to open the folder and verify that the .dcm files were exported correctly; there should be several hundred files.
2. Go to the desktop, right click on the patients folder, go to “Send to”, and select “Compressed (zipped) folder”. A duplicate folder will be made with either a zipper on it, or a blue “Z”.
(*** If following a Dual Scan Protocol, please zip scans individually and label accordingly; i.e: “Patient Scan” and “Denture Scan” ***)
3. To upload the compressed folder, login to Implant Concierge. Click on the patient’s name to open the case. Click on the red “Upload DICOM” button.
4. Drag and drop the folder from the desktop to Implant Concierge. The file will automatically begin uploading.
5. Once the file reaches 100%, click the green “Complete” button.
Print a shipping label
1. Login to Implant Concierge and under “Current Cases”, click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. Click on the red “Upload .STL, or ship Diagnostic Model to Implant Concierge”
3. Under the “Ship Model” side, click “Select Option”.
4. Options will expand below. Click “Print Packing Slip” and another tab should open with the packing slip. Please print it and place it inside of the box with the models. Go back to the shipping page and select which shipping option you would like by clicking the associated blue “Select Shipping” button. Print the label, and then click the green “Complete” button.
If you have an iTero machine and you would like to send Implant Concierge™ your digital impressions, you must contact iTero technical support (800-577-8767) and add us as a Lab: #12385. Usually within 24 hrs, Implant Concierge™ will be notified that the files are ready to be downloaded. We will then upload the files to your Implant Concierge™ case.
Schedule a meeting
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. Click the red “Schedule VIP Session” button.
3. You may change your timezone, if needed, and set as default.
4. Click the “Check Availability” box and select a date from the drop down calendar. Once your date is selected, click the green “View Availability” button.
5. Choose an available coordinator from the list and click the blue “Schedule” button.
6. A confirmation window will appear. Confirm your time, or click cancel to choose another time. Once you click to confirm, you will see that the system is working while it schedules you with us! Please give it a moment to complete this for you! Once done, you will see a banner containing the GoToMeeting link and Conference Call number at the top of the patient’s case.
1. Login to your Implant Concierge account.
2. Click “Order Individual Services”.
3. Click the button “Radiology Interpretation Only”.
4. Fill out the patient’s name, date of birth, gender, and the arch of interest.
5. Fill out the area of interest. Please be as detailed as possible.
6. Select the school that you would like to interpret the CBCT scan, and click “I Authorize”.
Join my meeting
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. Across the top of your screen, you will see a banner with your meeting information. Included is the date and time, which 3D case coordinator that you are scheduled with, and the conference call info. On your phone, call into the phone number listed and dial the access code.
3. On your computer, click on the green “Join My Meeting” and that will take you to the Go To Meeting website. Click “Launch Application” to start the virtual meeting.
Authorize Surgical Guide
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. Click on the red “Authorize Surgical Guide” button.
3. After you verify that the patient information, charges, and shipping information is correct, please scroll down to fill out and sign the Authorization Form.
4. First, choose the supporting structure of your guide (Mucosa, Tooth Borne, Bone Borne, or Bone Borne with Reduction Guide). Second, you have the option to leave any additional notes. Third, please virtually sign the form by typing your first and last name. Fourth, click the box to verify that you have read and agree to the terms. Next, choose which date you would like the guide to be delivered by. Lastly, click the green “I Authorize” button. If the button is not highlighted, that means a necessary field has been left blank. Please ensure that all necessary fields are filled out.
Add a Case Partner
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. On the middle of the page, you will notice 6 tabs. Click the fourth tab labeled “Partners” and click the “Case Partner” button.
3. A small window will pop up at the top of your screen. Enter the partners’ email and click the blue “Add Partner” button.
4. If the case partner already has an account in Implant Concierge, this case will automatically show up under their “Current Cases”. If the case partner does not have an Implant Concierge account, the box will expand asking for more information. Please fill out the partner name, phone number, and the type of partner you are adding. Once completed, click the “Send Invite” button. An invitation will be sent to them via email. They will need to create their own account in Implant Concierge and will have access to this case to upload files or make changes on your behalf.
Add an Employee
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click “Account” on the top left of your screen.
2. You will notice there are four tabs. First, click the tab labeled “Company”. Second, click “Invite Employees”. Third, click the green “Add Employee” button.
3. Enter the Employees’ email and click the “Send Invite” button. They will be invited via email to create their own account in Implant Concierge and will be able to create, view, and edit cases on your behalf. If they already have an account in Implant Concierge, your cases will automatically be linked to their account and will show up under their “Current Cases”.
Place a Case on Hold
1. Login to Implant Concierge and click on the patient’s name to open the case.
2. Click on the “Options” drop down menu.
3. Select “Place Case on a Hold”.
4. A small window will pop up. First, select the date you would like the case to be on hold until. Second, provide a reason why the case is being placed on hold (IE. “Patient is waiting for financial reasons”, “Patient needs a bone graft; will resume when patient is healed” etc). Lastly, click the blue “Confirm” button. The case will automatically be removed from the hold on the date you selected.