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Fully Edentulous CBCT Scan: Dual Scan Protocol of Mandible

For a downloadable file click here

1.  On a dry, well-fitting denture, place 6 x-ray markers:

– Place 3 markers on the facial/buccal surface and an additional 3 markers on the lingual surface

– Place the markers on varying axial planes

– Example: if you place a marker on the buccal area of #28-29, then place your next marker on the lingual of #27-26, the next marker on the facial of #24-25 area and so on

*Do not place the markers on the intaglio surface of the denture*

022  023  024

2.  Pre-Scan Patient Instructions:

– Use a bite registration for separation, secure fit, and to eliminate rocking

– Confirm fit by asking the patient “Is the denture fitting correctly?”

– Breathe through your nose, close your eyes, and place the tongue at the back of the mouth

3.  First Scan: Capture CBCT of ONLY the mandible denture with the x-ray markers

– Position appliance on a foam block

– Orientate teeth occlusal UP

CBCT General Settings: 6cm – 8cm, 0.3 – 0.4 Voxel

4.  Second Scan: Capture CBCT of the patient WEARING mandible denture with x-ray markers

Vital Anatomy to be captured:

– Superior: Capture 1-3 mm of maxilla dentition

– Inferior: Capture mandible with slight clearance below chin

CBCT General Settings: Mand 6cm – 8cm, 0.3 – 0.4 Voxel

5.  When scanning a patient following Dual Scan Protocol:

– Review the scan carefully to ensure there is no “Black Air Space” between the denture the soft tissue of the patient

Rejected Scan  red-x15


Accepted Scan  green check


6.  Export and Upload CBCT Scans to Implant Concierge

– Export the CBCT scans individually, in a multi-file DICOM format to the desktop

– Right click on each folder, go to “Send To”, and select “Compressed (Zipped) Folder”

– Upload both zipped/compressed folders to Implant Concierge

More information on exporting the DICOM files form you specific CBCT machine can be found under the “Exporting DICOM” section.

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