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Exporting from Sidexis 4

For a downloadable file click here

1. On your desktop, right click on an empty space. Go to ā€œNewā€ and click ā€œFolderā€. A folder will appear with highlighted blue text. Type in the patient name and push ā€œEnterā€ on your keyboard.


2. Go to patient scan and click on ā€œOutputā€, then ā€œDICOM Exam Exportā€.

3. An additional window should pop up with the patient scan. Click on ā€œSettingsā€.

4. Please ensure that ā€œInclude Raw Dataā€ is selected. No other options should have to change. Click ā€œOKā€.

5. Another window should pop up for a save location. Select the folder you just created on the desktop and click ā€œOpenā€, then ā€œSaveā€.

6. Your files will begin exporting.

7. After the DICOM exports and saves, go to the folder and look for the sub folder named ā€œCT3ā€ (you may have to open a few folders before you see it). Verify the files were exported correctly; there should be several hundred files.

8. Go back to the desktop, right click on the patients folder, go to ā€œSend toā€, and select ā€œCompressed (zipped) folderā€. A duplicate folder will be made with either a zipper on it, or a blue ā€œZā€.Ā (*** If following a Dual Scan Protocol, please zip scans individually and label accordingly; i.e: ā€œPatient Scanā€ and ā€œDenture Scanā€ ***)

9. To upload the compressed folder, login to Implant Concierge. Click on the patientā€™s name to open the case. Click on the red ā€œUpload DICOMā€ button.

10. Drag and drop the folder from the desktop to Implant Concierge. The file will automatically begin uploading.

11. Once the file reaches 100%, click the green ā€œCompleteā€ button.

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