RealGUIDE 3D Plan & Design Course

Al termine del programma, i partecipanti dovrebbero essere in grado di:

  • Caricamento e fusione di IOS, file STL e denti wax-up in file DICOM.
  • Pianificare e realizzare interventi guidati per casi di edentulia parziale e completa.
  • Progettare, stampare, elaborare e inserire le guaine in diversi tipi di guide chirurgiche.
  • Having a working knowledge of guided surgery from plan, design and printing.
    Powered by RealGUIDE.

Click Course Dates to Register


Implant Concierge Headquarters
11503 NW Military Hwy, Suite 212
San Antonio, Texas 78231

Costo: 399 dollari


Level 1 Dental Implant Training and Live Surgery

Al termine del programma, i partecipanti dovrebbero essere in grado di:

  • Practice standard implant protocol on models.
  • Review treatment planning including CBCT.
  • Understand key surgical guidelines for implant site development including socket grafts.
  • Review of surgical complications.
  • Gain experience treating live patients.

Click Course Dates to Register

Date del corso:


Pleasant Valley Dental Center
301 Fellowship Road
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

dental education COURSE

Live Implant Placement Continuum

Al termine del programma, i partecipanti dovrebbero essere in grado di:

  • Treatment planning using CBCT technology.
  • Implant placement in the edentulous arch.
  • Basic surgical protocol for overdenture implant patient.

Click Course Dates to Register

Date del corso:


Star Dental Institute
3695 Star Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80906


Surgical Cadaver Workshop

Al termine del programma, i partecipanti dovrebbero essere in grado di:

  • Understand the latest guidelines for implant placement in the esthetic zone.
  • Perform soft-tissue grafting procedures and various suturing techniques.
  • Describe the latest techniques in socket grafting including “dual-zone” grafting.
  • Understand the steps associated with sinus procedures (sinus and socket).
  • Perform localized ridge augmentation.
  • Understand immediate implant loading and provisional restorations.

Click Course Dates to Register


ZimVie Institute South
4600 East Park Drive
Palm Beach Gardens, 33410


Training Course For Dentists

Implant Concierge is excited to partner with the Star Dental Institute to bring you live surgical implant training! This course is perfect for you if you want to strengthen confidence and surgical skills working on full arch fixed and removeable cases. You will receive tremendous one on one support as only 6 attendees are allowed.
On average, each attendee will place 8 – 12 implants in challenging fully edentulous patients over a 3 day period. You will also chair-side assist and treatment plan an additional 60 implants.
CBCT Treatment planning | Implant Placement | Guided Surgery | Suturing

Click Course Dates to Register


Our training facility is located at
600 South 21st Street, #120
Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Guarda le nostre testimonianze


Implant Placement Workshop

Al termine del programma, i partecipanti dovrebbero essere in grado di:

  • Understand the principles and techniques of dental implant placement.
  • Develop clinical skills for dental implant placement.
  • Understand complications and their management in dental implant placement.

Learn about advanced concepts in dental implant placement.

Click Course Dates to Register


Zimvie West
1900 Aston Ave
Carlsbad, CA 92008

Customer Reviews

John D.

My surgery went very well and my patient was very happy. All implants were placed as planned. I really look forward to working on my next implant case.

Kurt Losier, DDS

I attended the Smile CE Live Surgical Implant Training course in Dec. of 2018 in Colorado Springs, CO. I immediately came back to my office and started planning all of my cases with Implant Concierge. While I am fully capable of free-handing, I choose to place all of my implants guided with Implant Concierge to maximize my surgical chair-time.

Gail Childers

Amber ha fatto un ottimo lavoro ed è stata concisa e molto disponibile.

Alex Ramos

Voglio ringraziare ognuno di voi che mi ha aiutato con questo caso. Fate tutti un lavoro eccezionale e l'ho apprezzato molto. L'intervento è stato un gioco da ragazzi, tutto è andato bene e la precisione della guida è stata eccezionale. Grazie e non vedo l'ora di fare affari nel prossimo futuro.

Shaun Javier

Jessica M is an asset to my team! Thank you for what you do!Jessica M is an asset to my team! Thank you for what you do!

Kevin Sanders

Jessica ha fatto un lavoro eccellente durante la nostra sessione VIP. Era molto competente e in grado di aiutarmi a trovare e ordinare alcune parti zimmer di cui avevo bisogno per il restauro provvisorio. La prenoterò per le sessioni VIP in futuro!

Had a good experience? Leave a review

Schedule A Demo

Si prega di programmare 30-45 minuti per il webinar online. Questo includerà la discussione sui protocolli di scansione e l'assistenza per iniziare il vostro caso, caricare DICOM e altro ancora! Assicuratevi di invitare i vostri assistenti.


Non tutti i servizi di Implant Concierge sono disponibili per tutti i paesi in questo momento.